
Meet the Stormwolves

The Stormwolf family. From left to right: Lily, Geras, Joan, SERA (above Joan), Noah, LJ (above Noah), Lillian, and Venny.

Born from the bond between two great bloodlines spanning as far back as the First Astral Era; both of its founders long-estranged from their historic lands, ancestors, and traditions; the Stormwolves were built from the union of two souls in love: Joan A. Wolf (née Cross), daughter of the Seeker wolf tribe, and Geras Stormdragon, son of a lost tribe from the Xaela nation.Together, this complicated family demonstrates that love can overcome any difference or disagreement and that true family is just as much chosen as it is inherited.

The Blue Fox hovering menacingly over her enemy in her adventuring power armor.

Joan A. Stormwolf

Matriarch of the Stormwolf family, philosopher-adventurer, and entrepreneur, Joan has worn many hats over her three decades of life. Today she leads the Heralds of Jijivisa in a war against an alien machine invasion of our star.

Geras Stormwolf

The silent and thoughtful patriarch of the Stormwolf family is the stone upon which the rest of the chaotic family tree is built. Loosed from his self-imposed restraints, he is a force to be reckoned with.

Geras standing in Ul'dah in formal attire, representing House Cross as its count.
Zeri is happy. Forever. FOREVER. Happy. HAP...pp-

Zeri Silania

Carrying the shard of what was once the Ascian that caused the Flood of Darkness on the Thirteenth Reflection, Zeri is Geras's first love and Joan's metamour. She is an impassioned auri oyabun leading her organization from Ul'dah's underground.

Reiki Izanami

A shy healer cursed with great power and a giant heart, Reiki is Geras's "betrothed," Joan's newest sister, and Maxx's "Rainbow Mom." Raised as a shrine maiden, Reiki struggles to find her way in a callous world.

Reiki holding an Elpis flower to her nose, her rainbow scales shimmering in the dim indoor light.
L. Maxx Stormwolf standing in the main lobby of the Heralds of Jijivisa's offices.

L. Maxx Stormwolf

A time traveler from the year 29 7AE, Maxx came to our present to stop the end of the world, kick ass, chew gum, take names, and play some music.

Gladjen Stormwolf

Husband to Maxx, Gladjen is the son-in-law that Joan always wanted: responsible, smart, and loves Maxx more than anything. His mother-in-law is now grooming Gladjen to become the scion of House Cross.

Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.

Venny Stormwolf

A voidsent born from the aether once belonging to the infamous Diabolos, Venny now serves as Lillian's avatar and favored grandchild of the Stormwolf family. He's also sensitive and enjoys sharing his favorite children's stories.

Sera Stormwolf

Created by researchers during 3AE in order to serve as both nurse and caretaker for deprecated chimeric creatures, SERA spent much of the last 5,000 years alone. She is now delighted to serve as Joan's personal assistant and her children's favorite aunt.

SERA making a cheer motion in the outside portion of the First Step Cafe, the headquarters of the Heralds of Jijivisa.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.

Abigail Stormwolf

Abby was born when an alien White Flower duplicated Joan's body and animated it with a portion of her soul. Since recognizing her true nature, she has sought to find her own path on this star and has happily assumed the role of Joan's "recent twin sister."

Lily Stormwolf

Lily is Geras's oldest biological child, a daughter from a prior relationship. Raised in a time when aether was denser, Geras's oldest biological daughter has begun to see the world in ways that reveal patterns in the fabric of reality.

Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
SERA making a cheer motion in the outside portion of the First Step Cafe, the headquarters of the Heralds of Jijivisa.

Mina Stormwolf-Kodakumi

Reborn as the physical embodiment of the Red Girl, Mina was once an enemy of the Heralds of Jijivisa in service of the Machine God. Geras and Joan chose to adopt her after turning her against the machines and helping her to recover some of her lost humanity.

L.J. Stormwolf

The Scion of Darkness and oldest of Joan's fraternal twins with the slaver V'cazi Tia, L.J. is Maxx's variant from this timeline, and a toddler with energy that would make the Energizer Bunny blush. She likes spiders and rotting things and flesh-eating plants and Venny most of all.

Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
SERA making a cheer motion in the outside portion of the First Step Cafe, the headquarters of the Heralds of Jijivisa.

Noah T. Stormwolf

The Scion of Light and youngest of Joan's fraternal twins with the slaver V'cazi Tia, Noah is this timeline's variant of the former heart of Metatron. A powerful empath since prior to birth, Noah is a shy and timid child. He is non-verbal at almost three years of age.

Elijah C. Stormwolf

Joan and Geras's only shared child and the only one of all their children born in wedlock, Eli is the legal heir of House Cross in Ishgard. He is an infant miqo'ra with tiny Xaelan black thorns.

Joan holding her swaddled infant son Eli in her arms as she nurses him.

Gladjen Stormwolf


Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.

Venny Stormwolf

A voidsent born from the aether once belonging to the ancient and dangerous Diabolos, Venny now serves as Lillian's avatar. He's also sensitive and enjoys being sweet towards the smallest of creatures.

Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.

Sera Stormwolf

Sera began her life as an artificial intelligence programmed with all the medical knowledge once held by the enigmatic. Her name was an acronym for "Synthetic Empathic Reasoning Aetheroform."

Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.

Abigail Stormwolf

Abby Abby Abby.

Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.

Mina Stormwolf-Kodakumi

Mina, Mina, Mina, Mina.

Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.

The Mini-Stormwolves

SERA making a cheer motion in the outside portion of the First Step Cafe, the headquarters of the Heralds of Jijivisa.

Lily Stormwolf


Age11 twelvemoons old
Nameday(information to be entered)
Birthdate(information to be entered)
RaceMixed Xaela Au Ra and Highlander Hyur
Height4 fulms and 9 ilms tall
GenderCis female (she/her)
AliasesLaylee (the twins)
NationGridanian citizenship
ParentsGeras Stormwolf (father), Joan Stormwolf (step-mother)
SiblingsMaxx (22), Mina (10), LJ (3), Noah (3), Elijah (1)


Lily is Geras's oldest biological child, a daughter from a prior relationship. Raised in a time when aether was denser, Geras's oldest biological daughter has begun to see the world in ways that reveal patterns in the fabric of reality.

Lillian Jael "L.J." Stormwolf


Age3 twelvemoons old
Nameday3rd Sun of the Second Umbral Moon in Year 9 of 7AE
BirthdateTroglophile's Deep, Labyrinthos, Old Sharlayan
RaceW Tribe on mother's side, Seeker of the Sun (non-tribal diaspora); V tribe on father's side
Height3 fulms and 10 ilms tall
HairDark brown
EyesHeterochromatic – left hazel, right blue
GenderCis female (she/her; tentative)
AliasesLJ (all), Scion of Darkness (ancient prophecy), Echay (the twins)
NationDual Sharlayan-Gridanian citizenship
LanguageEorzean, Ishgardian (minimal)
ParentsJoan Stormwolf (mother), Geras Stormwolf (step-father)
SiblingsMaxx (22), Lily (11), Mina (10), Noah (3), Elijah (1)


The Scion of Darkness and oldest of Joan's fraternal twins with the slaver V'cazi Tia, L.J. is Maxx's variant from this timeline, and a toddler with energy that would make the Energizer Bunny blush. She likes spiders and rotting things and flesh-eating plants and Venny most of all.

Venny hovering above the air, holding in his left claw his limp, doll-like mammet body.
SERA making a cheer motion in the outside portion of the First Step Cafe, the headquarters of the Heralds of Jijivisa.

Noah Thaddeus Stormwolf


Age3 twelvemoons old
Nameday3rd Sun of the Second Umbral Moon in Year 9 of 7AE
BirthdateTroglophile's Deep, Labyrinthos, Old Sharlayan
RaceW Tribe on mother's side, Seeker of the Sun (non-tribal diaspora); V tribe on father's side
Height3 fulms and 8 ilms tall
HairAuburn with expanding white highlights
EyesHeterochromatic – left blue, right brown
GenderCis male (he/him; tentative)
AliasesNoey (immediate family), Scion of Light (ancient prophecy), Nonah (the twins)
NationDual Sharlayan-Gridanian citizenship
LanguageEorzean (ostensibly; non-verbal)
ParentsJoan Stormwolf (mother), Geras Stormwolf (step-father)
SiblingsMaxx (22), Lily (11), Mina (10), LJ (3), Elijah (1)


Lily is Geras's oldest biological child, a daughter from a prior relationship. Raised in a time when aether was denser, Geras's oldest biological daughter has begun to see the world in ways that reveal patterns in the fabric of reality.

Elijah Caspian Stormwolf


Age1 twelvesmoon old
Nameday1st Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon in Year 11 of 7AE
BirthdateStormwolf Manor, Journey's End, Old Sharlayan
RaceMixed Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te and Xaela Au Ra
Height2 fulms and 6 ilms tall
HairDark brown
EyesHeterochromatic – left turquoise, right brown
GenderCis male (he/him)
AliasesEli (family), Lee (the twins), Earl Elijah Caspian Stormwolf of House Cross (Ishgardian legal name)
NationDual Sharlayan-Gridanian citizenship
ParentsJoan Stormwolf (mother), Geras Stormwolf (father)
SiblingsMaxx (22), Lily (11), Mina (10), LJ (3), Noah (3), Elijah (1)


Joan and Geras's only shared child and the only one of all their children born in wedlock, Eli is the legal heir of House Cross in Ishgard. He is an infant miqo'ra with tiny Xaelan black thorns.

Joan holding her swaddled infant son Eli in her arms as she nurses him.

Supporting Characters

Content Warning

Content Warning – This website's links may include references to the following sensitive content: sexual violence; physical, mental, and emotional abuse; child abuse; animal death; graphic violence; drug abuse and addiction; kidnapping, slavery, and human trafficking; death or dying; genocide; pregnancy and childbirth; blood and gore; and human mental illness.

Legal Information

Final Fantasy XIV and all related content is owned by Square Enix Co., LTD.The written and visual media presented by The Stormwolves is for entertainment purposes only. The Stormwolf family and its characters exist within the fictional universe of Final Fantasy XIV, produced by Square Enix Co., LTD. They are part of an ongoing fan fiction narrative that began in December 2018 and continues to the present day.All original characters and their original narratives—insofar as the content is not already claimed by Square Enix Co., LTD—belong to their respective parties. You may use the sample code below to provide attribution:

The Stormwolf family. From left to right: Lily, Geras, Joan, SERA (above Joan), Noah, LJ (above Noah), Lillian, and Venny.
The Stormwolf family. From left to right: Lily, Geras, Joan, SERA (above Joan), Noah, LJ (above Noah), Lillian, and Venny.
The Stormwolf family. From left to right: Lily, Geras, Joan, SERA (above Joan), Noah, LJ (above Noah), Lillian, and Venny.
The Stormwolf family. From left to right: Lily, Geras, Joan, SERA (above Joan), Noah, LJ (above Noah), Lillian, and Venny.

The Stormwolves © 2018 by J.E. Burgos. Source:
Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

The Stormwolves © 2018 by J.E. Burgos. Source: Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.